
Level of assurance:
Faster identification for over 8 million users
eSigning available
Already used by over 6,000 companies
Highest standard of security
99.99 % availability
Certified with the Swedish eID quality mark

The electronic identity solution used by most Swedish citizens

Almost all Swedes already use BankID daily. Of registered Swedes aged 18-65, 99.2% currently have a BankID, which amounts to 8.4 million unique users. Swedish citizens rely on BankID to prove their identity when logging in or onboarding to affiliated services and platforms on the internet, to pay securely online, to collect packages from the postal agent, to sign agreements, and much more.

Identity authentication and legally binding signatures

BankID also enables Swedes to sign agreements, loan documents, and their tax returns. By incorporating BankID into your services, you can provide safe and fast identity authentication using a method that virtually all Swedes are familiar with. Additionally, you can protect sensitive transactions with legally binding signatures.

A trustworthy and reliable eID Solution

BankID is an eID program or app that's installed on the user's computer, phone, or tablet, and is issued by twelve Swedish banks in collaboration. More than 6,000 companies, authorities, and organisations offer BankID for identification and signatures, with the number of connected service providers steadily increasing. BankID was used 6.7 billion times for identification and signatures in 2022 and has never suffered a breach in the 20 years of providing their service.

Swedish eID quality mark

BankID is certified according to the Swedish eID quality mark, confirming its security and trustworthiness - at trust level three. Furthermore, BankID has been inspected and approved according to the EU framework for e-identification, the eIDAS Regulation, with the trust level “substantial“.

Electronic identities

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