Officer, director, and owner identification

Use online identification to reliably verify the identity of company officers, shareholders and ultimate beneficial owners.

Use an arsenal of industry-leading identity solutions

Companies are managed and owned by individuals. That's why no KYB process is complete without KYC. With ZignSec, it is easy to use the latest online identity verification technologies in your due diligence workflows.

Use a ready-made solution

Take advantage of pre-built workflows involving several products, built by our compliance specialists to achieve full KYC.

Pick your own

Pick-and-choose the products you need from our marketplace and integrate them with our easy-to-use API and SDK.

Screenshot of the ZignSec portalScreenshot of the ZignSec portalScreenshot of the ZignSec portal

Get all of the above, and more

Our ready-made workflow solutions combine several KYB products for the ultimate B2B due diligence automation. Let us show you how they work.

Verify and validate the legitimacy of your corporate clients

Evaluating corporate clients involves digging, investigation, and complicated decision-making. Our extensive portfolio of KYB-focused products and workflow solutions mitigate these efforts.